When do chickens begin to roost?

Little Jerry

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
So our chickens are seven weeks old and this is their fourth night in the coop, by night three they have figured out to get inside on their own, but they still are sleeping on the floor of the coop. I don't think the roosts are to high, they should have no problem getting on them. Last night we placed them on the roost but they all jumped down. Any info.
I think I might be roosting wrong, since none of mine use it,, can you tell me hooooooooow you do it, and what it is like, all deatisls please
Mine started at 5 weeks in the outside coop. However, I did put a little roost in their brooder at 3 weeks. They are buff orpingtons....

May I ask if you have silikes or some kind of ornamental chicken? I don't know that much but I did hear that the dual purpose chicks seem to know how to take care of themselves (roost/scratch/free range) better than some other breeds. They were, apparently, bred to be self sufficient farm birds in the old days. Don't know if it's true or not???
3 days old!!! Every chick my broody hatches out is roosting on day 3
Without a moma hen for this mine do it at a couple weeks out of a brooder.
All of my chicks have roosted as soon as they can fly.

The batch of chicks I have now are sleeping in a 2x2 cage in the floor of the coop and they are not happy about it, but the coop is a little crowded and I'm afraid they would get beat up by the bigger ones...
Ours started roosting at about 6 weeks, which was about a week after they went outside to the coop. You don't need to worry about them figuring it out...they will, in their own sweet time. We tried putting ours up on the roost to show them how to do it, but like so many other chicken behaviors, it wasn't until one of them decided to give it a try that all the others just HAD to do it!

Flock mentality rules...in the life of a chicken.

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