When do chickens "learn" to go into the hen house on their own?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 12, 2014
Reno, NV
We've had our flock out in the coop for about 2 weeks now. They learned quickly to come out when the door is opened in the morning, but they don't seem to grasp the concept of retiring to the hen house for the evening. My wife has to catch each one and toss them in.

When are they gonna learn?
I suspect it's not that they haven't learned, it's that they don't want to. Perhaps it is too warm or stuffy in there for them. Chickens do not tolerate heat well at all.
It's been long enough that, even if the coop is fine, they may associate the coop with being grabbed and tossed about. It doesn't matter if you do it nicely or not, they're not going to like that (at least mine don't). Try luring them in with something delicious. I would suggest doing this at least an hour before sunset, so they won't "suspect" anything. Lock them in for the night then. Do this for a few days, see if they get the idea.

Assuming that the coop is well-ventilated and so forth but they decide to be stubborn still, you may have to keep them locked in the coop for a few days. Make sure they've got plenty of food and water and aren't too hot, but don't let them out for a while.

Mine didn't like their coop either at first. I had to go out and toss them in during a monsoon storm. That wasn't exactly fun for any of us! I kept them in there for a good 36 hours or so. With the rain still coming down, they realized pretty quick that the coop was MUCH better than just sleeping on the ground. Now I don't have any problems with them putting themselves to bed.
Yes I agree with annelions-
I had to "train" my chickens to go back to their run/coop in the evening by using mealworms as their evening snack. I trained them that once they heard me shacking the container of snacks and calling out to them they immediately ran inside- so so cute :)
But every once in awhile one will continue to stray away and want to stay away so I would have to grab her- but most of the time the treats worked and than they didn't even need treats to go inside- just calling them worked.
Good luck :)
I don't know how to teach them, but my hens go in on their own. Even my baby ones which I haven't ever caught and put in the coop went in on their own. Maybe give them time. My hens go in only when it starts to get dark, and then I run out while there's still a tiny bit of light and close the door behind them. By that time they're all perching, getting ready to sleep...

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