When Do Chicks' Combs Start to Develop?

I don't think you can really compare different breeds, they have totally different combs in many cases and some will be much larger when mature. However non should get really red till close to laying age. I had several years ago some polish and barred rock chicks and the BR's had HUGE combs compared to the polish, but they all ended up as hens. I would suspicious of a huge comb at 2 weeks, but till it turns pink or red I'd not be certain.

Two chicks. About 2 weeks old. Is top one cockarel? because if it is, we might have to send them back(town law)
I have two buff orpingtons, and they are both developing tiny combs at 2 weeks old. One of the chicks is bigger than the other. Here's some pictures.

Chick #1

Chick #2

Dying eggs so my hands are colorful

The beak and head are even larger.

I think some just develop faster than others. I did an earlier post about the differences in my 2 BO. Here is the post and you can see the differences in mine. http://backyardchickens.com/t/1118955/please-say-this-is-a-girl
I have a baby who just got their wing feathers in and I noticed a red sliver of a comb. isn't this awfully early. Do you think its a rooster?
I have 4 chicks right now they are supposed to be a legbar, leghorn cross I was very thrown off even when I first looked at them. Are chicks this radically different from the same hatch?! I know certain breeds can be such as EE. Legbars aren't black as far as I know and her roo is light in color. I think they are all boys none of my 7 other breeds hens had this much comb development at 3 weeks. Could it be the leghorn in them? A few of them are already turning a little pink. Included is a picture of the parents.

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