When Do Chicks' Combs Start to Develop?

I could tell my "pullet" ssh was a cockeral at 2 weeks. I have others at 3 weeks that I know are cockerals (true ameraucana included). If you take clear pics we can tell you the most likely's and maybe's, and possibly some definites. I have a splash andalusian that is 5 weeks and I am still not positive, behavior says cockeral though
I have a little roo born on 3/17 who yesterday started crowing...a squeaky, pitiful crow, but crowing nonetheless at two and a half months old. I was shocked how young he was when he had already developed a huge comb and wattles...he is an Old English. He is growing a big tail, and it is turning green already. He doesn't look like a chick, he looks like a miniature rooster.
My SS chicks are 3weeks in a couple of days. Everyone has yellow combs and same size. Still small to tell but all looks same so hope all girls.

I was reading "chicken book" and it said "good layer chickens have big combs then others".
So not sure comb is the one to tell male/female. Have to wait a couple of month and it will lay eggs or crow...
One of the black australorops has always been a little bigger than the other one. I noticed ear lobes and wattles growing in a bit faster too. Behavior wise she doesn't seem any different. At what age do they get spurs?
I have 2 white leghorns and one has a yellow comb and one a pink comb development.

Does that mean one a boy and one a girl.


Im a newbie...what the best way to introduce new chicken to your flock.
I just got 3 more and my other chicks are about 5 months old
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I have two buff orpingtons, and they are both developing tiny combs at 2 weeks old. One of the chicks is bigger than the other. Here's some pictures.

Chick #1

Chick #2

Dying eggs so my hands are colorful :)

The beak and head are even larger.

Since no one answered you, mlmonro, you should ask that question again in a new thread in the category "sexing baby chicks" (or something or that sort). Worked for me recently with great success. Good luck:)
Thank you, I've even looking through the buff orp thread and it seems that just normal. :) This is my first year raising chickens so I have so many questions it seems. Thanks for the response.
Wondering this myself. I have 2 golden sexlink that have combs (2 months old) and 3 minorcas only a week younger with no sign of combs yet.. Also about half the size of the goldens
I don't think you can really compare different breeds, they have totally different combs in many cases and some will be much larger when mature. However non should get really red till close to laying age. I had several years ago some polish and barred rock chicks and the BR's had HUGE combs compared to the polish, but they all ended up as hens. I would suspicious of a huge comb at 2 weeks, but till it turns pink or red I'd not be certain.

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