When do hens start sitting on eggs?


6 Years
Feb 24, 2013
I want to raise some baby chicks from my hens. Do they just automatically start sitting on them or is there something I do to get them going? And how do I know which eggs will be fertile?
i too am wanting some babies from my girls. i hope you get some answers. i would have expected at least one of my four to go broody by now (barred rock, buff orp, slw, blk aust).
i have such a small flock that introducing new birds is going to be really problematic - i need my girls to have their own babies.
There is nothing you can do to make a hen go broody, they either do or they don't. Some hens never do. Some breeds are more likely to - such as cochins our silkies - and some less likely, such as production strains of egglayers. You will likely just have to wait and see.

The only way to check fertility of eggs its to incubate them.

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