When do I step in to help?

You could also consider putting a couple stones in the incubator (warm them first in warm water). They should absorb heat and then release it back if the power cuts out.

Note - I haven’t done this myself, this is just me brainstorming, trying to think of something that could help regulate the temp. I would recommend if you do this removing and re-warming the stones when the power comes back on so that they don’t act as a “heat sink” and make the incubator take longer to heat back up.
following and good luck!!!!!!!!!!

I would moisten the membrane every few hours and check for veins. once veins have receded then I would help it by slowly removing the membrane. Where it now has the hole in the membrane by its beak it can at least breath and start absorbing everything.
Has anyone ever tried just running a humidifier in the room nearby? Seems like maybe that would help if the incubator is struggling to keep the humidity up where you want it?
I did that this summer
We were really dry but I also had my little heater run beside it so my humidifier didn’t cook the room to much
This did help
Update: Our power is due to go off in a few minutes so I’ve boiled some water to use for humidity incase I need to soften the membrane while we without power and to keep the incubator warm. The veins seem to have receded a bit and he is still breathing and wiggling. Hopefully the next update will be him out of his shell!! Moms got 2 or 3 babies that have hatched so another 6/7 to go!! Hoping once he hatches I can put him under mom otherwise he’ll go in the brooder with my other orphans.
After a VERY long night it seems the chick is almost ready. We had another power cut schedule between 2-4am and when I checked on him he wasn’t moving and the temps had dropped ALOT. I sat there warming him up and he thankfully started moving again! After he was all warmed up and the power came back on I made sure to soften his membrane up again. The weather really had to turn to rainy and cold during the hatching days and our crap electricity’s grid doesn’t help…

First pic is at 4am and second picture is now at 9am. My boyfriend did the last shift and thought he needed a bigger hole to breathe despite me saying we mustn’t touch the membrane… Thankfully the veins had receded in that area. I still see some smaller veins near the edges so I’m thinking just a few more hours and he should be ready!! Once all veins have receded will he push out on his own or will I need to help due to the circumstances?
Once the veins are gone you can pick the shell from above his head
Then double check the veins are gone and pull that membrane back
Once baby gets his head free he most likely be able to push the rest of the way out
Any of mine that were stuck I would gently help gwt the head and neck out and babies would do the rest
Can’t wait to see pics of the baby hatched

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