When do Jersey Giants become, well, giant?


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Humboldt County, CA
How long does it take for a Jersey Giant to get fully-grown? My two pullets just started laying so they're definitely not fully grown but they are still about the same size as my other pullets. I want some freakishly large chickens, darn it!
On the plus side, they are gorgeous chickens. I need to try to get some good pictures of their greenish black feathers.
We have one JG pullet this year from Privett...and she is giant compared to our ISA sexlinks and RIW's. The JG is easily twice the size of the other pullets, although the JG has not started laying, that I can tell. But she would only be around 23-24 weeks old.
I have one chick who towers over the hatch mates by far almost like a turkey I got a surprise egg with my order and it is a Jersey Giant....so mine is bigger already with my luck it's a boy anyways because it would be cool to have a giant layer
I don't have any JG, but if you go to the "breeds" thread and look for the JG link you will see lots of pictures and can get lots more information. I go there quite often because I want some next year.....ughhh...which means I now have to build more housing... lol
They reach their full adult size and weight by age 2. I have 2 JG and they are most impressive birds. They reached their full size by 1 y.o., but it took another year to fill the weight in on those big old bones. And they do eat anything. Mine are the great hunters of my flock.
I am excited to hear that it takes 2 years to grow to full size. Mine are just over 6 months now, 1 black and 5 white. The Black JG, Nan, is enormous. She looks like a goose. That would be awesome if she got bigger! 1 White giant is almost as big, but even the other 4 who are smaller are a LOT larger than the other pullets.
It also depends on if they are hatchery birds vs. breeder stock. I have a few hatchery birds and birds I hatched from eggs. The hatchery black jersey giant roo I have is bigger than my BCM, but not by much. The hens are similar size to my Australorps...just a tad longer. NOT huge like I wanted. What I've read is that they build their frame the first year, then fill out the second year. I adore my JG rooster, but the hens are egg eaters, so they must go!

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