When do roosters start growing spurs?


10 Years
Nov 13, 2011
I have 5 chicks, all 2 weeks old. 2 are buff orphingtons and 3 are barred rocks. One of the barred rocks is acting a bit aggressive and hogging the perch in the brooder. The feathering is about the same on all 5 chicks.

When I was handling them today, I noticed that chick and one other one have little nubs about where the spurs are on my big rooster. The other 3 chicks just have a smooth spot there. Do barred rock hens get mini-spurs or are they roosters? They would not cooperate with picture taking.
All chickens have a little bump where the spurs grow, regardless of sex. Males will start to grow spurs anywhere from 5 months to a year, and some hens will grow them as well. For your Barred Rocks you could check out this link, because BR can be sexed by color or by the spot on their head. http://www.dominiquechicken.com/Sexing_Dominique_chicks.html
You can remove the spurs. Just twist them off with a pair of pliers and put some quick stop or flour on to stop any bleeding. Keep the area clean so it doesn't get infected. I *think* they'll grow back though, so you'll have to repeat this process every once in a while. As long as your rooster to hen ratio is good (1:10 is the general rule of thumb) you hens should keep their feathers. I say should because its always possible to get an over amorous cockerel (they usually mellow out) or your rooster might pick a favorite girl and over breed her (you could get her an apron). Good luck :)
I just got 2 roosters yesterday 1 is 6 months other is 4 months how much longer will it take for the 6 month rooster to get spurs
I just got 2 roosters yesterday 1 is 6 months other is 4 months how much longer will it take for the 6 month rooster to get spurs
Some get them faster than others. My silkies, for example, occasionally don't get noticeable spur growth until after they reach a year old. On the other hand, I have a Marans rooster who is a just over a year and already has almost 2 inch spurs. I'd say, normally, spur growth starts around six months and gradually continues growing. For several months, the spur will just be a blunt nub. They usually don't start getting ''sharp" and pointy until about a year.
as long as it takes duh

No need to be rude.
I just got 2 roosters yesterday 1 is 6 months other is 4 months how much longer will it take for the 6 month rooster to get spurs

I have a 5 month old Buff Orpington and he has little nubs right now. They are about 1/2 inch to 1 inch long and they are rounded still :(
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Is there a way to permanately remove my roosters spurs? My friend has chickens too and hers are bald because of the rooster. I dont want my hens like that.
they are not bald because of the spurs. They are bald because there are not enough hens and its the roosters beak and feet and toe nails that are the problem. You and also purchase an apron to help the hens out.View attachment 1167085
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