When do you let your hens out


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
there is about 44 days left till spring and I cannot wait to let the hens back out.
Since this is my first flock keeping over the winter. I have to ask when when is it safe to let your hens out?
We let ours out whenever we can sit outside and watch them - so whenever it is comfortable to do that, I guess. We call it "watching chicken TV" ha. Mine can't wait to get out either. They have nice big pens, but it's not the same as getting out and exploring and doing a bit of flying around.

deb g
I let mine out everyday but I'm in a much milder climate than you are!!

ETA: Love your Sig line!!
i get tired of people who over humanize their animals. animals are animals and are happiest treated as animals.​
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mine are out every day , they just don't go far cause they don't like the snow. But why can't you let them out, I don't understand they are chickens they're not made of glass
I'm in Connecticut and I open the pop door to their run almost every day. I've kept them cooped up just two days this year. Every evening I go out and open the run door and let them free range. Since they don't like snow all they do is walk the path from the run to the back of the coop, but at least they get a change of scenery while I check on them for a few minutes. Sometimes I lead them up and down the path by shaking the treat canister, they all follow me like a pied piper. But it breaks it up a bit for them.
I know you have a lot of snow right now (more than we have in N.S.), but open the door and see if they want to go out...some will, some may not.
Mine aren't going to be allowed out to free range until the trees and bushes leaf out again so they have some protection. They wander too far off and I lost one a few weeks ago, probably to the resident hawk or owl (though the roaming dogs are not far down the list of suspects.) -Wendy
My hens go in and out as they please. They seem to like it that way. The only time the girls were closed up was when I was having trouble with the coons at nite. They are in a completely enclosed pen and run.
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Ours are out in the covered run everyday. I let them into the yard several days ago and everything was fine while they were on the crispy snow, then they found a soft spot and sunk up to their necks. They just sat there till I rescued them! Silly birds. So no more outings till it melts a bit.

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