When do you switch feed


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2017
Hello all, I was wondering when you switch from starter feed to regular feed? And any information in regards to feedings you think this beginner should have are greatly appreciated.
Thank you
You can keep them on unmedicated starter, or multi flock indefinitely. You need to give them free access to calcium source around point of lay, or you can switch them to layer feed at POL.
You can keep them on unmedicated starter, or multi flock indefinitely.  You need to give them free access to calcium source around point of lay, or you can switch them to layer feed at POL. 

How will I know when point of lay will happen? Or just wait until an egg is produced?
Quote: Their combs and wattles will get larger, plumper and redder. They will start investigating the nest boxes, they may start singing the egg song, and they may start squatting for you. While many people state that birds not in lay should not have layer, I am much more relaxed about this, and give layer to my pullets any time after they get their cluck. (adult voice) Birds on free range get more calcium than is found in layer. And free range birds are hale and hearty. Roos in many flocks live on layer for years, and they are most often the healthiest birds in the flock, and outlive the laying hens. Do your homework re: the whole calcium and kidney damage issue, and make your own educated decisions. Like so many topics on BYC or any where else for that matter, some of the "they say" statements really don't make a lot of sense if you start digging into them. If it's not logical, I start reading, and read both sides of the story, then make my own decisions.

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