When, how often, and what should I worm my hens with?


6 Years
Mar 11, 2013
Beautiful PNW
I am fairly new at this chicken keeping experience. I had no idea I was supposed to worm my girls. Wow I feel bad, but now that I know. Please tell me:

What should I worm them with?
How often should I worm them?
Do I need to throw away their eggs after I worm them? If so, for how long?

How much should I give them?
They are healthy happy nearly 1 year old girls that are beautiful and full of spunkyness and life...I just don't want them full of worms!

Thank you in advance for any help.
Mine are 3 years old and never been wormed. They are big and healthy too. Maybe in the southern states you need to worm them regularly. My chicken class instructor said regarding worming, "Just be glad for winter."
Thank you for your reply True Grit...I have been doing a lot of reading on here and maybe I just scared myself. I will keep an eye on them, but I still worry because they free range in their big run everyday, they eat bugs, worms, and anything else they can catch so I worry that by the time I realize they have worms they may be sick..

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