When I talk to my chicks, they shake their heads.........

The only time I have witnessed chickens shaking their heads in that manner was in reaction to a rooster crowing within very close vicinity. I always interpreted it to mean that they found the noise irritating and objectionable. Interesting question though.
My chicks do it too and some of the chickens. I have about half my flock that has names and they know them too. I have a certain noise I make when I'm calling them for treats. When I walk outside and they see me they always stay close but when I make that treat noise they all come running. I've gotten them to come in the coop so I could close it up early just by making the treat noise. Of course I handed out some treats. I have one hen that will jump up and take it from my hand. I've had her take the hand towel out of my pocket several times thinking it was something to eat. I think she is part goat.
My two Wyandottes did that as chicks and still do it. The higher I make my voice, the more they do it. I think higher voices may bother their ears because they don't do it when my husband talks to them.
They clearly think what you are saying is rubbish... no, just kidding! I have a mix of bantam chicks, one of which is a Mille Fleur D'Uccle. I SWEAR that when I speak french to her she calms down, I even posted on a thread on this, but I don't think people believe me, lol.

Chicks are weird and respond to odd things. That's all I know!
I don't speak a lot around my chickens, but when I do, half of them (or half of the time) they run for the chicken house. Then they realize that no, I am not making the sound of a predator nor am I warning them of danger. I find it useful to sing a lullaby to calm them down after this happens.
They clearly think what you are saying is rubbish... no, just kidding! I have a mix of bantam chicks, one of which is a Mille Fleur D'Uccle. I SWEAR that when I speak french to her she calms down, I even posted on a thread on this, but I don't think people believe me, lol.

Chicks are weird and respond to odd things. That's all I know!
Does that mean Silkies may respond to Chinese?
I raised parrots for many years before getting into chickens and I know that parrots shake their heads when you speak to them because it's how they recognize and acknowledge that not only are you speaking to them, but that they recognize your voice, and your tonal inflection. Not only do birds memorize faces, but they recognize sounds too. It's how a bird can pick out it's mate's voice among thousands say, in a loud tropical rain forest. Make sense? I noticed early on that my chicken chicks did it too, and I have to assume that the fact that they are birds too plays into it. So I assume it's a sign that they are recognizing your voice, the sound of it, your speech patterns, etc, as well as whatever name you are calling them by. I can tell you this, as many birds as I might have, I guarantee you, they KNOW their names! I can be across the yard from my Silkie rooster Hector, and he can be pecking the ground, busy as can be, but if I call him by name, his head will snap up and he will look right at me. The other roosters will not though because I did not speak their names. But they all know my voice, and when I talk to each of them, they do the head shake too. I find it endearing because it means I'm getting through to them.

Explains it well. I thought I was crazy that one learned her name really early. If I'm sitting next to the brooder they fly up on the edge right in front of me and tilt there heads at me. Are the doing facial recognition or waiting for me to talk to them?

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