When is she going to broody?


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2016
south africa limpopo
I have a hen that look like a barred rock. She started laying 2 weeks back. Now she already lay 19 ages. Am worrying whether she will go broody. Is it possible for a hen to reach this number of eggs without going broody?
Chickens lay an egg every 24 to 48 hours. As long as there is adequate daylight, a hen can lay year round. They are not like turkeys or geese, that only lay one or two clutches a year. Brooding is generally determined by a genetic predisposition. Many hens will never, ever go broody. Some will go broody on what seems like a near constant basis. There is no way to make a hen go broody. She either will, or she won't. It is very uncommon for a new layer to go broody. They usually don't go broody until they are over a year old, if they are disposed to broodiness. Out of 9 adult hens, I only have 2 that tend to brood.
Remove any eggs laid, daily.

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