When is turning the most critical?


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
St. Amant, LA
I just discovered my turner had stopped working! I'm on day 8 now, I think it stopped around day 4 or 5, I did candle them all on day 5.
Is this a critical time for turning? Oh, no!!!
I think it is later in the incubation that itis most critical. It is always important, but I don't think you are necessarily faced with a disaster.

The turning reduces the chance that the yolk or developing chick will rest against the side of the porous egg shell and dehydrate more than it should by being in contact with the inner egg shell. They can also stick there with the loss of moisture. The chalaza (sp?) are like springs that keep the yolk centered. The older the egg gets the weaker the chalaza gets or the more the chick develops the more the internal parts of the egg change. That is why I think later is moreimportant than early, but it is always important.

I'd sugget waiting a couple of days then candling again. Three days without turning could certainly be a problem.

I wish you luck.
I'm going to say it's more critical earlier. There have been studies where they've stopped turning earlier to look into it and I believe it was as early as day 14 they said you could stop with no notable difference. I wouldn't give up on the hatch though. Just start turning again and let it ride.
The first few days are most critical. One thing that I thought of was that it may be important to turn eggs in storage as well. I also was wondering if it was important to turn egg the first few days even when they are in the turner? Has anyone done this? I did do this with may last hatch but can't say that it helped because I don't know about not turning them in the turner.
I turn my eggs for the four or five days I'm collecting them before I put them into the incubator.

If I were in your situation, I would probably lockdown with higher humidity a day sooner.

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