When is your birthday ?


...Sorry. I had to.

Just ignore me. China Freight 1065-heavy is making me laugh.
Yesterday!!!! 24 December!!!! I raise two awesome chickens that have slight issues with regards to what they think they are!!!
December 31st and I raise alot of folks' blood pressure
, weeds in the garden and I monkey around with raising a few chickens here and there.
Mine is February 12th... Abraham Lincoln and I share a birthday - although I tell my students we were born MANY MANY years apart.. it is also GA Day..

I love this thread... because not only have I noted the birthdays of some of my closest BYC friends.. but also contacts for eggs if need be... yippeee

I raise BCM, Coronation Sussex, Buff,blue, and splash orpington but have the following breeds in the main flock just waiting for their own breeding pen: SLW, Columbian Wyndotte, Light Brahma, Welsummer, Easter Eggers and lets see.. chicks in the Buff and Dark Brahma category. (thanks Deb)


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