When should a broody hen be returned to the flock when raising chicks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 5, 2013
I have a Black Australorp hen that went broody and I had just acquired a Golden Cuckoo Marans Roo and since the hen was being broody anyway, I decided to let her hatch a few eggs. The Chicks are now about a month old and mostly feathered. It appears that my hen (Kiwi) now wants to get away from the kids. I am not comfortable putting the chicks in with big girls yet, but would it be ok to put Kiwi back in with her flock at this point? kiwi and the kids are in a coop where they can hear each other, but don't have sight of each other. Just the best way we had to do this. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
She probably wants to get back with the flock so I would let her. It would be safest to raise the chicks separately til they are about the same size as the adults. It's best to do ths right next to the flock so they see and hear each other all the time.

Next time you might want to have the mama raise the chicks in with the flock, so that when she reaches this stage, the flock will already have acepted the chicks. I like to separate a broody for the setting so she won't be bothered by hens laying on top of her, sitting on her nest, stealing her eggs, etc., but when the chicks hatch, I let her take them to the flock when they are up and around.

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