When should I re-open the nesting boxes?


7 Years
Feb 28, 2014
Hanging into Texas
When my babies were 5 weeks old, we moved them from the brooder to the coop. The coop is small and we are now putting together a much larger coop. The babies all (6 of them!) decided to sleep in the nesting boxes. I had to block the boxes off and put in a higher roost. Now they are starting their 16th week and I just read a post about someone's chooks that are beginning to lay at 17 weeks. I'm hoping mine will wait a few more weeks until we get them in the new coop, but do you think I should take the barrier down to the_nesting boxes just in case? I have brown leghorns and their combs are getting large and bright red and several have dime-size wattles. No singing yet and no squatting. I'd hate to find an egg on the floor because a box wasn't available to them!
I opened mine up as soon as they were in the routine of using their roost. They totally ignored the boxes until about a week before their first egg (TODAY!) and then they would occasionally go in and scratch around. Never to sleep, just to check it out to see if it was a nice place.
When I picked up my chicks, I got 12 of them and sold 6 of them to my friend. One of her chickens has laid her first egg at 17 weeks! It was very small and the shell a bit soft, but she strutted around singing loudly about her accomplishment! None of mine have laid yet, but I opened the boxes and have started them on oyster shell, so tomorrow they start their 18th week. They are investigating the boxes and sitting in them for short periods. I hope they figure out what they are for! I have a couple of white wooden balls I may put in the nests to encourage them.
One question: Her chickens free-range and mine are penned. Does free-ranging encourage earlier maturity and laying? Hers get more grass and bugs, although mine do get plenty of "treats". Just wondered.
I finally had to block off my nesting boxes tonight. I'll reopen them when/if I hear their Egg Song. In a couple of weeks or so, I'll put my two new chicks (1mo EE and BR) out in the separated part of the coop, so they can adjust to the 1yo & 2yo Partridge Silkies already out there. When they're finally put together, I'm going to have to mix the chicks' Start & Grow with the Silkies' Layena, as well as provide the Silkies with some oyster shell.

My concern is whether the oyster she'll will, in any way, harm the chicks. I've read that too much calcium too early will cause problems.

Are there any other issues I may be missing?

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