When there isn't money for nursery plants, where do you get your plants from instead?

Maybe put some on the south side of a building to help them.

I amended that bed with cow manure, sand, and potting mix due to our heavy clay. The top is mulched 2" deep with bagged mulch from Home Depot. They seem to like it there even though they are on the north.

The red ones draw humming birds. :D
I just can’t deal with the lack of choices in variety when buying nursery plants. We buys seeds because we can get traditional heirloom varieties that the nurseries never even heard of. Plus buying plants to transplant has never ended up giving me tomatoes faster. The direct seeded ones always pass the transplants for me anyway.
We start everything from seed. Tomatoes and peppers, etc., get started indoors and everything else is direct seeded when the time comes. We haven't purchased a nursery plant in about 10 years or so. Try checking with friends and neighbors who garden to see if they have any extra. There are also seed exchanges you can find online if you have any left over seed to swap. If you find something you really like, save seed from it for the next year.

Happy (and productive) Gardening!!
One of my favorite way of propagating flowers for nice splashes of color around the yard: I bring in a few geraniums or cuttings from them in the fall. those plants grow in my 2 LR S facing windows all winter, giving me some nice color. Then, about the time I am thinking about starting pepper seedlings, I pull some of the little tufts of leaves from the sides of the stems, and cut the stems back severely. I find that those little tufts on the sides of the stems (consisting of a couple of leaves and a bud which will form a new branch) root and start new growth EXTREMELY fast. I can get as many as 15 new plants from each geranium. And, of course, the original plant thanks me by putting on a new flush of bushy growth and bloom. The cuttings are immediately potted in Pro mix. By the time it's ready to plant stuff outside, I'm searching high and low for places to put all of my geraniums.
I have a Stellar Geranium that has been with me for about 12 years and I have taken numerous cuttings from it and given them to family and friends: she's a beauty.
They are so willing to root. The geranium in the pot next to her is a cutting from my sister from this year!
I am on year 2 of working on gardens in new (well, new to us) house. But...there isn't a plant budget. So it has been time to get creative with resources available to me. Instead of a dream plan, I have been planning with what's at my finger tips.
Step 1, moving things around the yard that I already have.
Step 2, dig up transplants and garden border rocks from willing relatives.
Step 3, disctreetly snag a couple seedlings from a wild, not-mine environment.
Step 4, a couple bucks on perrennial seed packets and the occasional bargain reject plant at big box stores.

Btw, anyone had luck with tossing in flower seeds and seeing what happens?
How about you? Where do you get your plants when you can't splurge at the nursery?

My husband and daughter laid a package of wild flower mix and sunflower seeds on a dirt mound the spring of 2017. We didn’t get anything but just this summer the sunflowers grew and some of the wild flowers took. Not anything crazy yet but we r going to leave the sunflowers to reseed, there was probably 30,d hopefully the whole area is covered next year!

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