When to combine?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 5, 2011
I got a group of 10 chicks, 2 ducks, 2 turkeys, 2 geese. Then a week later got 15 more chicks. The 15 smaller chicks are separated, but I am wondering when to combine them? 4 of the smaller chicks got into the bigger birds section (they are just separated by about a foot tall piece of wood with no roof). They seemed fine, but they weren't in there long...would it be okay to combine them all allready? Thanks for your help I'm a newbie!
I would go by size, if they are around the same size then it should be okay to combine. Maybe you could do it on a trial basis and if they do not seem to be getting along remove them. OR you could replace the divider wood with chicken wire so they can see each other first.
Thank you so much for this post, I have some that are 6 weeks and some 1 week, and was wondering the same thing. BYC is sooooo informative.

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