When to cull...crossed beak** UPDATE**

Thank you for asking. She is doing okay. I am keeping an eye on her making sure she eats and such and she jumped in the middle of a plate of boiled eggs and went to chowing...the other girls had to shove her out of the way to get any.
Time will tell but she is getting a fair chance for sure.
You can buy the feed as a mash in some places....maybe in most places even. I dont know about a homemade mash......but if you cant find mash, try the crumbles. I know mine scoops it right up.
Can you trim the beak like you can in parrots? I have trimmed overbites in my parrots. You have to do it a small amount at a time or they bleed too much and be sure to use quick stop.
Here's my Camryn:

Her top beak grew longer, so I had a vet snip the pointy bit off so she could peck better. She is smaller than her sister but leaps around with the same energy as the others. She's the sweetest thing, I couldn't part with her, but I know I'll have to keep a close eye on her always.

I hope you give yours a little more time.......
Here is an updated pic of the chick.


They are not necessarily pets (mainly small hobby farm for eggs and some meat), however I do not want to see it suffer. I couldn't imagine living hungry all the time and not being able to get enough to eat to satisfy that hunger. We now live in a VERY small town and the only feed available here is chick starter, layer crumbles and a meat bird mix.

I did make a 'mash' earier with some oats, crumbles and yogurt, this chick showed no interest in it whatsoever, but the other chickens went nuts over it. The chick with the crossed beak loves yogurt but I have to give it by hand (sort of force fed by wiping it on the lower beak).
They figure stuff out. I fill a coffee can with mash and mine puts her head into the can and scoops it out. I believe if you offer a little guidance and get her used to ways to get the feed easier, she will get it. When i offered the mash in the coffee can, the rest of the flock would eat it, so she caught on to follow them over to it. She realized it was easy to fill up on it that way. If you could get her used to eating out of the same thing like that, you could set her up. She is adorable and will probably end up your best buddy for helping her out.
aawwww bless it's little heart. I do not know what to tell you other than to say that it is a difficult decision.

After seeing the picture, that looks pretty severe for a chick so young. It will get worse as she grows.
Not saying she won't make it, but she'll need help.
Maybe you could rehome her? There may be someone who might have the extra time to care for her.....
It does look really severe, but some of the others pictured here could even be considered worse! They do that aweful de-beaking thing to commercial birds! If they can make it then...
I hope she keeps eating and she makes it...as she grows you may try to trim the longer top beak so it's a little closer to even, feeding her in a deep bowl sounds like a good idea, she could just shove her whole beak into it and vacuum some up...good luck!
She is a very cute character!
What breed is she? Seems like a lot of these with beak trouble are EEs...

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