When to expect?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
Hello. I just started raising chickens. And i got three new ones. And this chicken looked really red in the face and it looks like evrything is grown out. So i was wondering how much longer and how old she is. Thanks for the help. Its the buff colored one!
Not really the best pic to go by, do you have any more info about her, did you just get her and where did she come from?
Im not to sure where she grew up. But I got her last sunday At the the Sulphur Dog Trade In Oklahoma. I will taake more pictures tomorrow in daylight. She is a black tailed Japanese Bantam.
If she is at the point of lay it could take her several weeks to several months to adjust to her new environment or she could start laying tomorrow, there really is no telling with chickens!
I once got 2 chickens for free because they weren't laying and once I got them home they started laying 2 days later! So you never really know. I would look for squatting, that would be a good indication that she is ready to lay.
A bantam, that would explain why she looks so small, thought it might be the camera angle. She is very pretty little thing, I agree with Cotton42, with out knowing exactly how old she is you could get an egg tomorrow or not for a few months

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