When to introduce a new pullet to flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Hi there! I have just rehomed our beautiful rooster, as we can't have them here
. I'm considering getting another
pullet to replace he who we thought was a she. Would right away be too stressful on my 7 girls? I know that they go
through the hierarchy again and that this causes stress, when would be a good time to bring in a new girl?

Hi! I don't think it will be stressful on your chickens, but man would it be stressful to the new girl! It's tricky introducing younger chickens to adult hens as is, I would definitely not do it with a single chicken. If you could introduce 2 together, that should be much better for everyone. There is great information on here regarding how to introduce chickens to one another (let them see each other for a few days while not being allowed to touch, etc) so be sure to check that out as well. Good luck to you!
Thanks for the reply. I would gladly introduce two as opposed to one pullet
My girls are 17 wks old and I'm hoping to find
a couple gals around the same age. Now my hubby will HAVE to agree with me on two, that's what I wanted in the first place.
You've helped make "our" decision a lot easier

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