When to let my girls out to free range for the day???(Their Laying!!!)


10 Years
Oct 17, 2009
Hi everyone! I just have a couple of questions. My buff orpie girls(2 of them anyway) just started laying this past weekend!!! Now there is usually an egg out there in the morning when I go to let them out after breakfast. But I've noticed that sometimes during the late afternoon (if they are kept in their coop) then I find another egg! Soooo...what do I do? When should I let them out for the day and will they return to the coop to lay later or will they just lay in random spots(like my woods out back where they hang out most of the day). I do understand that its not the same chicken laying 2 eggs a day...it's just that one girl prefers to lay in the morning and the other in the afternoon(i Guess???) Anyway...give me some thoughts! Help a Newbie Out! Blessings, Keri
I let my girls out at 2 each day...the girls that havent laid do go right
back in to their nest and lay. Its pretty incredible. If they are use to
being in their coop and run all night and part of the day, they should go
back into their coop to lay for you.
Your quote that I am a great sinner and He is a great Savior! is such a great
gift. Only those that see themselves as a great sinner will need such a
great Savior.

Their is a great website called audio sermons. I listen to Henry Mahan. There are
alot of great preachers on that site, but Henry...you should listen to one of his sermons
to know what i mean.
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okay....back to the original post....

I usually keep my girls in the coop and the connected run till mid-late afternoon (around 3 pm). Most have layed by then, but I have had some that will jump back into the open coop to leave her egg in the box before she goes back outside the enjoy some free ranging time. Although if you have a big drop in the number of eggs you are getting, you may have to check for a chicken made nest area or keep them confined for a day or two to re-instill the proper location for egg deposits:)
We let our girls out when we leave for work in the morning (7:00 am) and close the coop after everyone has gone to bed. Everyone returns to the nest boxes in the coop to lay their eggs. I check the chicken yard occasionly for any hidden nests or eggs that didn't make it to the coop. So far, I haven't found any stray eggs,
Over the summer when my girls (I have 6) were free ranging and laying eggs, I would let them out in the mornings. Usually I would find 1 or 2 eggs when I went out. I would clean their coop and give them fresh food and water as well as snacks. I would leave their door open and throughout the day, my girls would go back into their coop nesting boxes and lay their eggs. By the end of each day, I would have collected anywhere from 5-6. At least 2 of mine were early afternoon layers and I didn't want everyone to have to wait for them before they got let out!

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