When to pull unhatched eggs from Muscovy?


11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Broody Muscovy.
Went and bought 6 fertilized Muscovy eggs from a local farmer.
She kicked out 3 by end of Week 2.
3 left.
Yesterday was day 35.
She hatched 1 duckling on Sat. morning. We pulled it to put in brooder as our flock is not baby-safe.
2 eggs left.
I checked this morning and nothing. Still 2 eggs.
Today is day 36.

How long do I give them? Or pull them tonight?

Our yard debris(where I can put dud eggs) goes out in the AM so would prefer to get them out IF they need to be pulled.
If I should give them a few more days, I can though.

This is our 1st time doing duck eggs.

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