When to put chicks out in the coop? Heat lamp or no heat lamp?


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2020
Hello all! My chicks are a little over 3 weeks old and are almost fully feathered and MY GOD have they grown so fast in such a short amount of time. They have a lovely chicken coop and run just waiting for their arrival outside, which at the moment became my dogs new playground. They are getting a little big for their brooder and keep squaring each other up by standing as tall as they can and jumping on each other (all seems like fun and games and establishing a pecking order but I think they want some more elbow room). Can I put them out in the coop soon?? I've read some articles that say when they around 4-6 weeks thats when move in day should happen but was wondering if anyone did it at 3.5 weeks with a heat lamp? Which gets to my second point- should I include a heat lamp until their a certain age? I'm just so worried about it being a major fire hazard and I've heard horror stories but want my chicks to stay warm during their first few nights out.


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Hello all! My chicks are a little over 3 weeks old and are almost fully feathered and MY GOD have they grown so fast in such a short amount of time. They have a lovely chicken coop and run just waiting for their arrival outside, which at the moment became my dogs new playground. They are getting a little big for their brooder and keep squaring each other up by standing as tall as they can and jumping on each other (all seems like fun and games and establishing a pecking order but I think they want some more elbow room). Can I put them out in the coop soon?? I've read some articles that say when they around 4-6 weeks thats when move in day should happen but was wondering if anyone did it at 3.5 weeks with a heat lamp? Which gets to my second point- should I include a heat lamp until their a certain age? I'm just so worried about it being a major fire hazard and I've heard horror stories but want my chicks to stay warm during their first few nights out.

Also that little area under the door has been closed off- so the entire run is completely enclosed in 1 inch chicken wire!!
Hi! What are the temperatures (day & night) where you are? Also, what temperature are they used to in the brooder right now? :)
Hello!! During the day the outdoor temp is around 65-70 which drops to 50-60 at night time. For the brooder they are around 80degrees. Have you ever used a heat lamp in the coop?
I don’t know where u live so maybe bad advise but I would not just put them out if they are used to being in a temperature controlled environment (your house i assume) and are use to a heat lamp. I would wean them from the lamp first. Or give them the heat lamp out in the coop.

That being said you may live somewhere where it is very warm and that would change things.

If the weather is good there can you put them in the coop during the day?
I don’t know where u live so maybe bad advise but I would not just put them out if they are used to being in a temperature controlled environment (your house i assume) and are use to a heat lamp. I would wean them from the lamp first. Or give them the heat lamp out in the coop.

That being said you may live somewhere where it is very warm and that would change things.

If the weather is good there can you put them in the coop during the day?

Yes! They love their field trips outside! The weather has been warming up to around 70 each day, but I definitely need to wean them off the lamp a little more. Have you had experience using a heat lamp in the coop?
I agree with AngieDawn. At that age they probably don't need a heat lamp inside, so start weaning them off..maybe during the day for a couple of days and then all together. At that point they'll be fine outside and won't need a lamp. I have used a low wattage lamp in the coop - mostly to get them to go in it at night. lol It's a fire hazard and I don't like to use them in a coop, but for young chicks I'll use a lamp on an exeptionally chilly night.
Yes! They love their field trips outside! The weather has been warming up to around 70 each day, but I definitely need to wean them off the lamp a little more. Have you had experience using a heat lamp in the coop?
I used it but I don’t like it and I switched to the heating pad asap.

I actually would not have used it but I have an inside brooder and a small brooder/ coop with run and then the “big girl” coop
I have twelve 3 week old chicks and then got 7 day olds so I had to move the 3 week olds out to the small brooder/coop when it was cold out. I mean in the 20s cold so there was no getting around it.

But they are 5 weeks now and have no heat at all

I just took it away yesterday because the weather finally broke!

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