When to remove eggs from Broody


9 Years
Jan 16, 2011
Sperrassoville, OK
I am sure that this question has been asked a million times but I cant seem to find an answer.

I have a few eggs under a broody and they were due to hatch yesterday. Well one hatched just fine but the other two have done nothing.
At last candleing at day 15 they were fine and kicking, I candled this morning and I don't see any movement but I dont know when I should give up on them.
I am really upset since these were expensive hatching eggs and 1 out of 8 is terrible!
She is an experienced broody or I would not have given them to her.

When should I just take them away and let her raise her single chick?

Thanks for your help,

I am sure that this question has been asked a million times but I cant seem to find an answer.

I have a few eggs under a broody and they were due to hatch yesterday. Well one hatched just fine but the other two have done nothing.
At last candleing at day 15 they were fine and kicking, I candled this morning and I don't see any movement but I dont know when I should give up on them.
I am really upset since these were expensive hatching eggs and 1 out of 8 is terrible!
She is an experienced broody or I would not have given them to her.

When should I just take them away and let her raise her single chick?

Thanks for your help,

I wouldn't remove the eggs just yet. Broody hens seems to "know" if eggs are viable and will scoot bad eggs off to the side. Your first chick just hatched, and the others may very well be getting ready...I would give them at least another 3-4 days or so.
Thanks that is what I was thinking, she keeps tucking them right back in under her so maybe shi is right.
She has chosen to nest in an old cat litter box with a cover on it but after finding her out on the ground this morning with the one chick trying to keep it warm leaving the other eggs alone i took the chance of moving her nest into a crate on the ground in the same spot. I think the chick had a hard time getting back into the box, it is just a tiny Chocolate Orpington.
She moved right in and snuggled up so I hope all is good.

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