When to start layer feed??


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Cambridge mn
My BO and barred rock are 16 weeks old this week. And my black austalorps are 12 weeks old. When should I switch to egg layer? And will it harm the younger girls if they get it when I switch the older girls over?
Layer feed is nothing special, really. Many folks, especially those with mixed age flocks never buy it or use it.

Layer is not essentially different from a good Grower or Raiser type feed. The only additive in Layer is the double dose of calcium All feeds have some calcium, but Layer is laced with it. Only a hen in lay can expel that high calcium in an egg shell she lays. Younger stock can be damaged by long term, high calcium intake. Gout and renal issues being the most common.

A flock keeper can manage the flock without Layer feed. Simply provide a calcium substitute such as oyster shells or calcium carbonate on the side. Ta Da. Easy as pie.

Layer is fine for the convenience, but doesn't make a bird lay eggs. Hope that helps.
Hi duckman14
I started giving my chicks layer crumbles when they were about 3 months old they love and are growing like weeds!!!!
Layer feed is nothing special, really.  Many folks, especially those with mixed age flocks never buy it or use it.

Layer is not essentially different from a good Grower or Raiser type feed.  The only additive in Layer is the double dose of calcium  All feeds have some calcium, but Layer is laced with it.  Only a hen in lay can expel that high calcium in an egg shell she lays.  Younger stock can be damaged by long term, high calcium intake.  Gout and renal issues being the most common.

A flock keeper can manage the flock without Layer feed.  Simply provide a calcium substitute such as oyster shells or calcium carbonate on the side.  Ta Da.  Easy as pie.

Layer is fine for the convenience, but doesn't make a bird lay eggs.  Hope that helps.

So if I offer oyster shells on the side will they just eat it if and when they need it?
This is good information. I think that is how I will feed my little flock of 4. They are just going on 13 weeks. Couple of questions: 1. Separate dish of calcium, will they gorge on it or will they instinctively eat just what they need? 2. I have a she that may be a he, if so would all that calcium harm the rooster, would he eat it? My flock can't free range.
Duckman 14- I am in the exact same situation! One possible roo, two about 15 weeks and one about 12. I just purchased a 50 lb bag of countryside organics layer feed to start them on (ran out of grower and didn't want to buy another 50lb bag since they should start laying soon). Will the layer feed hurt the (possible) roo? Will a few extra weeks on layer harm the young one? I was told by the man at the feed store that it would be ok, but I am a little bit worried!

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