When to start layer feed??


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2015
I have some really nice Rhode Island Reds... 12 actually. In the past few days, 2 of my chickens have started laying. They are only 17 weeks. We just bought a bag of grower last weekend because I certainly didn't expect them to start laying this early. Should I start switching the whole flock to layer feed now or should I wait until most of the flock start laying??
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Congrats on the eggs!

I would switch to layer as soon as possible.
If you want to use up the rest of the bag of grower than you can give them some oyster shell with it so they get enough calcium and then switch them to layer when the bag is used up. Make sure they are getting calcium though.

Best of luck!
You don't have to ever feed layer if you don't want to. I feed Purina Flock Raiser to all my birds, it's the best food for the chicks and roo's and if then hens need extra calcium, I always have oyster shell available.
You don't have to ever feed layer if you don't want to. I feed Purina Flock Raiser to all my birds, it's the best food for the chicks and roo's and if then hens need extra calcium, I always have oyster shell available.

While I don't personally do this myself, I hear it works really well for people, so if you wanted you could give it a try.
You shouldn't feed layer feed until you're sure they're all laying. Pullet's kidneys can't handle the excess calcium until they've matured - young birds are way more succeptible to damage than older non-laying birds.

Buy another bag of flock raiser/starter/whatever - and when that's done they should all be laying and you can put them on layer.

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