when to start the 21 day count


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
South Carolina
I've got the incubator set up in my classroom with the temperature stabilized. I stopped collecting eggs from my coop last Saturday, so that I'd have enough eggs to hatch. Since Saturday two hens have laid 7 eggs, which I will remove from under them in the morning and take to school. So, do I start counting the 21 days tomorrow when I put them in the incubator, or from when I stopped collecting them from the coop 4 days ago?
When you actually put them in the incubator- the eggs don't start developing until they have the heat of the incubator.

So, if you set them on Thursday, May 3, expect them to start hatching on Thursday, May 24, if all goes smoothly. If the temp goes a little low, they could be delayed a little. Even if things go perfectly, don't panic til Friday evening.

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