When will broody leave nest after some eggs hatching?


Jun 30, 2016
I have had 5 eggs hatch under my hen on days 21 and 22. 4 eggs are left, but are too dark to candle so I’m wondering when do I remove them from her?

Also, when I move her out of the nest to streatch her legs she stays squatting. Will she recover okay from sitting so long? She looks so tired. I’m assuming she’s just reacting to still having eggs to sit on. I’m hoping instinct will be enough to keep her healthy. All of the hatched chicks are perfect!
It might be best to move her to a brooding pen. You can keep the eggs on the floor in a hay nest and give it until day 26, I've never had any make it after 5 days late.
Best of luck
I’ve got a place I can move her to tomorrow and we’ll see what happens. Will she eventually leave the non hatched eggs and get back to moving around?
She will very likely give up on unhatched eggs on her own, especially if she's a good mama. My broody often got stiff and unsteady legs from sitting so long. Scared me a couple of times because she accidentally teetered and stepped on babies, but they were ok. Once she was done with sitting and committed all of her time to showing her chicks the ropes, she worked out her kinks within a couple of days.
My silkies won't leave an unhatched egg, so it depends on the hen. If you have to take the eggs don't let her see them being removed, she will be less upset and forget about them sooner.

And I'm not sure about your hen not standing, I've never had any do that. She could just be tired, hatching eggs is hard work. Make sure to feed her plenty.
I moved her to a private run this morning and removed the eggs that hadn’t hatched. One quitter and two not fertile.

She’s now doing great! Up and around and being a happy momma. I think her legs had lost some circulation due to being so dedicated to the nest.

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