When will he let them join the flock?


Feb 23, 2015
Petting Buffy Like a Dog
Okay so far my two new ducklings have made it to 4 months old!

And have really grown and are seeming to trying to mate!But, Peepers doesn't get that in order to mate,the male must grab her neck,LOL!

Okay,let me get to what I wanna know.And these past few months the other eight adult ducks have gotten to know my babies.They do bicker some.My young drake will attack the females,and already has started that thing that drakes do.I cant describe it but he really embarrasses his self because the other drake doesn't do it back,he responds with a "SHEW!".Baby Huey really wants to be the other drakes buddy,but it seems that the other drake isn't willing to allow them to stay along.I have been realizing day by day they are coming together,but the only time Baby gets to hang around the ladies and swim,is when I block the other drake from coming.The other drake doesn't even attempt to want to mate or even mingle with the runner duckling that he raped for a straight month.In fact,he is actually being nicer to the drake then the female!Which suprised me.

Anyways,when will they be able to live in peace.Without having to worry about the bigger drake coming for them.He occasionally doesn't mind them being at the pool with them.
I'm not sure if they will ever be able to live together without fighting. My two drakes were raised together from two days old, and they are still best buddies. One is the Alpha, and the other knows it and steps down all the time. I have heard that they need to fight out the pecking order when a new drake is added, so maybe you should watch, but take a hands off approach for a while. They will fight, but that is what they do. Watch it and see if after they fight they are better. He is showing dominance, and telling the young one that he is in charge. The young one probably doesn't even mind being the less dominant one, they have to tell each other in their duck language. It can be scary to see ducks fight, but if your 4 month old has his adult feathers and size, he probably won't get hurt. If this becomes a daily event, and doesn't seem to get better, I would find one of them a new home. If they can't live in harmony, why would you want them to live like that every day?

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