When will the eggs stop ??

Ruth Ann

9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
South Carolina
When will the eggs stop coming in the winter?
Is it just the less daylight...or does cold have something to do with it also?
How long does it last? We are new to the chicken stuff...so no idea how the winter will
affect them.
We have buff Orps...
Wyandottes... Amber Links
They are all from early this spring.(about 24 weeks old average) Started laying
3 weeks ago if that matters.

We live in a mild winter climate in South Carolina ...will be a couple months
before we even get a frost.

What is the general opinion about useing artifical light to keep
a hen laying...for at leat part of the winter?
I think it is the length of daylight hours that makes a difference in how
many eggs they lay. Ours have already slacked off some. I do plan
on getting a timer for more light in the morning hours. They started laying
the first week of July when they were only 15wks old. Maybe they
deserve a little break now.

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