when will they go in be them selves


9 Years
Nov 4, 2014
i have 4 ....8 week old birds..... i know it takes time . the past 3 night we had to
put them inside by hand. good thing or bad? should i let them do it them selves?
or keep putting them in our selves. they just seem to cuddle on a corner instead
of trying to go in.
Just an idea ... dunno if it will work. Leave them closed up in the coop (with feed, water, maybe treats) for a full day or two. Let them get to understand where 'home' is.

Are they roosting yet, or once in the coop are they still settling down huddled in a corner to sleep? (perfectly normal if they are at this age, but the older birds might be roosting already)
It can take chicks up to a week of putting them in by hand before they do it themselves. If it wasn't going to thunder and hail today we were to start that routine with my chicks. Brooder is full and a few keep getting out. Oh well, another day wont hurt 'em but hail may...
There's no harm in cooping them up to get them accustomed to the coop, but don't expect it to cause the chicks to automatically know to go inside when evening comes.

The reason is because the coop doesn't look the same from outside as it does from inside. Chickens are linear thinkers. Some chicks will put themselves in at night right off the bat, but more often you will need to gently put them through the door until they make the mental connection.

You can shorten the learning curve by using treats to lure them inside. But the mere repetition of putting them through the door into the coop will imprint on them this ritual and they will get it down in a very short time.
thanks for the reply.......iv'e been hearing about keeping them in there home for a day or so. so today i started leaving them out for a bit then walking them up the ramp and keeping them inside did that twice today , now there in i may just leave them in there as all has said. thanks

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