When will they lay eggs?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 22, 2013
I am new to laying hens. we have raised meat chickens for 4-h, and have decided to try our hand with laying chickens. We bought a Rhode Island Red and two black australorp. The guy told us they were laying when we bought them. It's been a week and no eggs. I know there can be a chance they will stop laying when moved. We put them n a large dog cage and drove them home.( about 2 miles from the farm we bought them). They have a large coop with a large yard for them to move around. They have been eating and drinking great since day one. They seem to be on a routine. They r up and moving about sun up and roost about 8 pm. They seem comfortable and even cackle when we talk to them. Any suggestions? Also I have put a golf ball n each nesting box ( there is four nesting boxes). Any suggestions would be great.
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I depends how the hens handled the stress from the move. It could take a few weeks for them to get back into production, or a few more days. Hopefully they won't make you wait too much longer!

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