
In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Well, this is going on the third day I got my 4 hens. And, still not one egg. WHY WHY WHY! lol, I know they lay, the farmer told me they laid well, and when he was getting the hens out of the coop they were in, he took out 3 eggs they had just laid. Im thinking maybe theyre just adjusting to the new environment. The have a good bit of room.. lots of feed.. Nesting areas.. And look happy.. I want my first egg.. its like waiting on my first son lol ( and only son ).. How much longer will it be, I want some fresh eggs!!

Well " normal " to them is a small, cramped, icky pen. this should be like moving from a shack to mansion.. a beverly hillbillies type deal
When you move laying hens like that, it takes time for them to get adjusted to their new home. Give them time and lots of treats and love! They will start laying soon!
Could be a couple of weeks. The stress of the move freaks out their systems. Just give them a little more time. But I do know how horrible the waiting can be.
i have 10 older hens.. and then i got 20 nearly a year ago.. chicks.. and they have not laid an egg yet.. i get 5 eggs a day most days and im feeding 30 hens.. i cant tell a lot of difference in the hens by size or appearance..so how can i figure out who is laying and who aint... ? jdy

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