Where are the Geese


Sep 11, 2020
Houston, TX
I was just looking for geese online because I read that one goose is good protection against predators for chickens. It also said to get Chinese or African geese, but it seems like all online hatcheries are sold out. Does anybody have an idea why? Where could I get a goose? I'm looking at a September timeframe.
I was just looking for geese online because I read that one goose is good protection against predators for chickens. It also said to get Chinese or African geese, but it seems like all online hatcheries are sold out. Does anybody have an idea why? Where could I get a goose? I'm looking at a September timeframe.
If you have FB you could find a farm animals or poultry page there might be some on there. Good luck hope you can find some!
It's a fallacy that geese can protect the flock from predators. Yes they do make a racket when someone strange is lurking around. It can provide a heads up to the flock or the owner but it can't hold off the threat. Geese are just as likely to be killed than the chickens are. They are often more vulnerable than chickens because the chickens put themselves to bed in the secure coop and the geese are still wandering around in the dark when predators are most abundant.
You should be able to find goslings locally on CL or a FB group as it's breeding season and people will soon have extras for sale.
Oh, then I would probably want a large goose. Could you put them away with the chickens for the night? Maybe not in the coop, but in the enclosed run attached to the coop to keep them safe?
Oh, then I would probably want a large goose. Could you put them away with the chickens for the night? Maybe not in the coop, but in the enclosed run attached to the coop to keep them safe?
I put them in the coop at night with the chickens. They are allowed to go into the secure run and most of them do. They will eat all the chicken food and drink all the chicken water so I have to replace that in the morning.
Google specific breed sources. Last year I got 3 Cotton Patch geese from a second hatching in July. I had ordered in early Spring and was on a waiting list. My goose has a nest somewhere & if she shows up with goslings, I'll be looking for a buyer for them - don't want so many. As for protectors...only in that they threaten anything that comes in the yard or gets too close including the chickens, dogs & people. Pool noodles are posted at all entrances to deter the little raptors as they rush me.

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