Where are the rules?


16 Years
Mar 30, 2008
Maybe I'm missing the obvious, but I have been searching and can't find the rules anywhere. Can somebody point me in the right direction?
Thank you... I guess I didn't dig deep enough in the articles section when I was searching.
They aren't in the articles (as far as I know.). They are in the large brown area at the bottom of the page (the footer.) They are labeled "Privacy/TOS."
They aren't in the articles (as far as I know.). They are in the large brown area at the bottom of the page (the footer.) They are labeled "Privacy/TOS."

They are in the articles, that is where the link takes you. And when I was searching the other night I didn't notice the 'TOS' and if I did I was too stupid to figure it out (I was looking for 'rules', 'Terms Of Service' never occured to me
But I got to read them again so I'm happy... Thank you all!

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