where can i buy chicks?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
i was told since im new at this chicken thing not to buy eggs, but to buy chicks. where can i buy them? petco? or a website? i just want to make sure its a good place to get them so they are healthy.

wow thanks that was easy=) i never knew they could stand cold climates

thanks 4 all uve helped me
I wouldn't know why someone would discourage you from hatching your own eggs. I'm completely new to chicken raising, and I even built my own incubator. 11 out of 13 eggs hatched just fine, though I think the other 2 could have too with a bit of intervention on my part. All 11 are healthy and I assume, happy. They are now 3 weeks old.

It's pretty funny to see them outside. When I move, they come closer to me. I even had 1 chase a cat and a dog yesterday. For the life of me, I can't figure out why either would be afraid of a chick like that, lol..
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I started off hatching my own eggs too. The breed I was interested in was not availabe locally so I started buying eggs like a crazy woman. I've filled my coop several times since then and have laid off on the egg buying.
thank u. now that i CAN hatch my own eggs i think i will, because i cant find a place where i can only buy a few eggs.
Eggs are usually sold by the dozen. I might be wrong, but I think incubating your own eggs is an easier way to control the number of chicks you want. Some people (like I learned my great grandmother used to) buy chicks mail order. Alot of places have a minimum mandetory order of 25 chicks. I guess that's because they ship easier that way, and keep warm better.

If you buy a dozen fertile eggs and only want 6 chicks, then you could incubate about 8. Eight, because you can't tell until a little later on if they're actually growing, or in case any dont hatch or die before. Even if you end up with all 8 hatching, then you have 2 extra, in case of mortalities. I could be wrong, but maybe other hatcheries allow smaller orders. It's also great to see your chicks hatch, and even have them immediately imprint to you
Plus, it's educational, too.
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