Where can I buy DE

Did you ask all your local feed stores if anyone could special order it? One of the local ones here did that for me! I had to get a 50# bag, for about $30 or so, which will last me years and years with my 6-maximum chickens!
Thanks for taking all that time to make that page very informative.
I have been looking around at the local feed stores, when I ask they look at me sideways since most of the people have never heard of it. I have one more place near my parents that actually has mill feed so they most likely will have it (fingers crossed).
Thanks- still checking. Have tried special ordering from local feed stores(why does everyone NOT know what it is??-Have we become such a monsanto based culture?!)
And yes I did order from wolfcreek-at what a price!!It's almost like gold!But at least the spring cleaning can begin...
You are so Welcome!

I ordered my first 50# bag of DE from Freshwater Organics last summer for $64.00 (shipping included). It wasn't a big deal at that time as we had extra $$$ coming in. I can't tell you how excited I was to find out that we had a Custom Milling dealer about 40 minutes south of us who only charged us $20.00 for the same 50# bag.

Our feed stores are clueless about the food grade DE also...


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