Where can I get medication from?


9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
I am pretty certain I have turkeys with Blackhead. I cannot however get meds unless I take them in to see the vet and have their droppings analysed. Dh is 100% against this. So I'm wondering if its irresponsible to get meds without a professional diagnosis AND where do I get them from if not the vet?

Currently I'm keeping them at about 60% health with a gamet of natural/homeopathic remedies.

I've been told I need Dimetridacole??

Also side note: I am currently feeding them layer (I have older laying hens) and medicated Roaster 22%. The layers have been seen eating the medicated roaster. Should we be eating their eggs?

Thank you.
I could be wrong but I think their is no cure for blackhead disease after they get it. As far as general medication try first state veterinary supply, also they can help with general health questions if you ask. Again I am not 100% sure, but am about 70% sure.

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