Where did everyone get their chicks from?

We ordered our chicks from Welp Hatchery in Iowa.

The Cal-Ranch Store in Cedar City UT gets their poultry from there and had catalogs available for those of us who wanted a greater variety of birds.

Several things tipped me in their direction.

1. I was able to order as few as 5 birds of each sex in each breed with no additional charge.

2. They had the breeds I wanted... Black Austrolorp, Buff Orpington, Plymouth Barred Rock, White Rock, Silver Lace Wyandotte, and Golden Lace Wyandotte.

3. I was able to figure out how to get the "best buy" for my needs. That is, I could order just females or males or straight run, whichever gave me the better deal.

4. There were no shipping charges.

When we placed our order on a Monday, we received a very nice e-mail stating our chicks would be sent on the following Monday. That gave me peace of mind that I wouldn't be facing a week-end delivery.

Our chicks arrived on Wednesday, April 27. About 8:20 AM we got a call from the Post Office (20 mile drive). When we got there, the gals volunteered that they had never seen healthier, heartier chicks... and they see A LOT of chicks!

We taught them to drink and sent them to the makeshift brooder in their coop, directly onto pine shavings. We used Gro-gel Plus to help them find their first day of feed. After that... the party was on!

To date, everyone who sees them marvel at their vitality.

At 16 days of age, they now have the run of the entire 8x8 coop (35 birds total), and are just short of reaching their regular roosts. They get fresh sunshine everyday both through their windows and the door (when I'm there with them).

I've chosen to keep the heat to a minimum as I want my birds thoroughly adapted to our weather here in the high desert.

You can see a lot of pics in my "Shari's Gone Country" blog.
We ordered 25 birds from Murray McMurray Hatchery. We declined the free exotic.

They shipped 26 birds, the extra was a pullet chick from one of the 25 breeds we ordered. One pullet chick was injured in transit, but all the rest survived.

Our chicks were hatched on a Saturday and we got them the next day (on Sunday).
Decorah Hatchery-www.decorahhatchery.com

McMurray Hatchery-www.mcmurrayhatchery.com

Ideal Hatchery-www.ideal-poultry.com/

Privett Hatchery-www.privetthatchery.com/

My Pet Chicken Hatchery-www.mypetchicken.com

Meyer Hatchery-www.meyerhatchery.com/

Cackle Hatchery-http://www.cacklehatchery.com/bantam.html

Townline Hatchery-http://www.townlinehatchery.com/

Welp Hatchery-www.welphatchery.com

Estes Hatchery-www.esteshatchery.com/

Alright, so that is the list of where everyone has gotten their chicks from. But it seems like alot of people get their chicks from feed stores, and local farmers. Such a wide variety. I noticed that there seems to be quite a few of hatcheries here in Iowa. We must be chicken people
I have ordered from MM,Ideal and Sandhill. I like MM and Sandhill because they are in Iowa. Ideal takes three days to get here. However I do have an order coming from them this week. They said they will ship them wednesday and should be here friday. That hasn't happened before. When they ship on wednesday it is saturday before they get here. So far I like all the hatcheries I have ordered from.
I got mine from local feed stores that order from Ideal. I initially got 4 chicks, one of which died. Then I got another chicken from a different feed store, she was about 4 months old and is now laying. Strangly enough the point-of-lay pullet is by far the friendliest and runs to the back door when I open it. The EEs we raised from day olds are skittish and don't like to be touched, the two red sex-linked are sweet.

Decorah Hatchery-www.decorahhatchery.com

McMurray Hatchery-www.mcmurrayhatchery.com

Ideal Hatchery-www.ideal-poultry.com/

Privett Hatchery-www.privetthatchery.com/

My Pet Chicken Hatchery-www.mypetchicken.com

Meyer Hatchery-www.meyerhatchery.com/

Cackle Hatchery-http://www.cacklehatchery.com/bantam.html

Townline Hatchery-http://www.townlinehatchery.com/

Welp Hatchery-www.welphatchery.com

Estes Hatchery-www.esteshatchery.com/

Sandhill Hatchery- ?
Yesterday I received my order from Meyer Hatchery. All the chicks have been active and healthy. Their customer support is really good too, and they have excellent prices. The next time I order chicks it will be through them.
My first chicks came from MM. They are twelve weeks old now. Quite large and all but one survived. The second set were Magpie Ducklings I just got today from Ideal. They also appear to be healthy and happy but, I will give it a few days to see what happens.


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