Where did feathers go?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
warren, ohio
My roo lost these feathers several weeks ago. I don't know why and hasn't lost any more from the first time.

I also have a hen with missing head feathers. I have no rooster and I don't suspect mites, but haven't been able to catch her to check thoroughly. I don't think it's a molt since they are only 9 months old. I also have two Easter Eggers with missing beard feathers. I've seen one of the hens picking at one of the EE's beard and the other's head. So I guess I have a feather picker? Here are some pictures.

Is there another rooster living with him? Mine seem to lose feathers on the sides of their necks bc of other roosters I presume.
ill see if I can get ahold of him to check for mites/flees. I never thought of that because none of the others are having balding issues.

hes the only roo
I would check the roo for lice/mites and see what his skin looks like under his other feathers. Possible letting the ladies pull his feathers when grooming too. Maybe increase the protein in the feed if they are doing that. It also helps when molting to increase protein as refeathering takes a lot of protein. My girls surprised me they aren't a year old and they molted. I had chickens with porcupine heads the increased protein helped get feathers back fast. I also dusted them with Sevin to make sure there were no parasites.

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