Where do you get your feed?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 11, 2012
I'm looking for the 24%-28% protein feed and when I google and search ebay I get junk. I went to the local pet store and they only had 14% protein. Where do you buy your feed? And how much do you pay for 5lbs or 50lbs? I'm expecting my first hatch this weekend and I'm caught off guard how difficult it is to find high protein feed.
In the Chicago suburbs, I get my feed at Ludwig's Feed Store in Lemont.

The only issue I have with Ludwig's that you have to check the tags when they bring you the bags. They often mix up the bags of food. Also, they run out. Wednesday is when they get new shipment. I've found that calling ahead doesn't really help. Also the GBS has antibiotic. I've asked them to get it without, and they gave me a strange look (it comes WITHOUT?!?!) and then said no. Since I only get a bag or 2 every other week, I've dealt with it.

There's a feed store in Summit, called, The Feed Store (how clever!). Don't buy from there. I've gotten feed and it was buggy. I mean, the bugs were exiting the bag in my car. A bug here or there can't be helped, but this was excessive.
Thanks everyone for the info. I checked out "The Feed Store" in Summit IL and they had the Purina Game starter feed that is 30% protein for $20 for 50lbs. So that worked out nicely. They also had a nice deal on the waterer and feeder trays, actually better then online so I was able to pick that up too.

Thank you again.
I get game bird starter that is 28% protein at my county farmer's co-op. It is less than $15 a bag including tax. They also have a gamebird layer and flight conditioner that is a little cheaper but it is only about 21% protein. Have feed my birds both of these and have fed them a 24% protein chicken pellet. They did fine on any of them but seem to be best with the 28% crumble.

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