Where do you keep your brooders?

Gstone: It's my first time as an adult with chicks, but I grew up on a farm and all the dust from batches and batches of chicks gave me asthma attacks. As soon as my parents were advised by doctors to get rid of the wood chips, the asthma attacks, and the dust, stopped. From what I understand, it is their constant scratching at the bedding that creates the dust, although some people disagree. All I know is that once my parents switched to paper towels from shavings, my asthma attacks stopped and my mother was thrilled to see no dust!
I keep mine in my son's bedroom. He is in the Army..
Mine are currently in the basement and they'll stay there for 2 weeks, then go out to their coop. I built another coop for this batch in one of the barns. I'll keep a heat lamp out there for them. I can't tolerate the dust like I had last year when I kept them in the basement for 8 wks.
So great to hear all your stories. First time chicken owner here and we're having a blast. We have 4 chicks 5-6 weeks old in our family room. I too wondered what all the fuss over the dust was about - - until about three weeks ago! I really need to get these girls out of the house. We've got them in a couple of large plastic tubs taped together with hardware cloth frame on top. We've let them out inside regulary and just this weekend let them out in the yard for a couple of hours both days. They loved it but seemed a bit cold when we brought them in so I suppose we'll have to wait a couple weeks. Not to mention that DH is still working on the coop.
I love this! The first home my chickies had was one of those round rubber tubs you get at TSC. When they got to big for that, they went into a pack n play for a few weeks, all this time in the kitchen. At 4 weeks, I built a temporary pen and put them out in the storage trailer, they are now in their run with one of the big rubbermaid sheds until the coop is finished. I went a bit crazy and bought 14 babies from TSC and then when I went back to get more feed for them, I bought 6 more! I've got it bad ;p
In my heated garage under, nice draft free and the brooder is just brooder guard on the floor, floor is covered with a plastic tarp the brooder's space is covered in pine shavings currently with a paper towel covering.

Have a nice heat lamp centered in the brooder with two one gallon no drown waterers and three one quart mason jar feeders, when I last looked the 15 4 day old Golden Comet chicks were snoozing away.
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I have it really bad. I have 3 brooders in my spare bedroom. Just sold the 4 baby ducks in the 4th brooder in there. That room is enter at your own risk until tomorrow and I clean it yet again. (took today off for mothers day) Then outside I have 3 large cages in my brooder house. These are up on shelves so that the older birds can use the floor space and run as a grow out coop and pen. I shift them around as they get older and have 2 other grow out pens that I use. Also have 39 going into lockdown tomorrow night. Some might call it excessive I just call it keeping busy.
We have two brooders in the hallway of our house right now. One has two two week-old midget white turkeys and the other holds five almost one week-old bourbon reds.

We had eight chicks hatch out last weekend and they and mom are in a pen-within-a-run outside. The temps have been down to the low thirties (we've had a couple frost mornings) to mid-forties at night. I worry less about the chickies outside than I do about the turkeys inside. Chickens are tough! (They're BOs.)

Last summer, our chickens went outside to live at five weeks. (Just after July 4th.) 105+degree days, 50 degree nights. They dealt better with the cold than the heat, but every one handled the temps.

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