where do you place your feeders


6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
My feeders are placed on the ground outside the coop...leading to a messy stinky area....I keep moving them to new areas..but just really messing those areas up. What do you use to clean up the areas? Do you feed in the co-op or in the run?
They are SO easy to make, too! I'm 70 years old, single gal by myself. I went to the hardware store, got the materials and in less than 20 minutes I had 2 feeders...best thing I ever did!
You just made my mind up for me lol, If a youngster like you can do it a old man like me can. ( Im only 38 lol )
I borrowed one with the Y pvc junction on it but these look like the food won't sit in the bottom of them as much and when it gets empty the chicks can get to the scraps.

Wanted to find the pieces that royal rooster use to make theres as it looks the best but is to expensive.

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