Where do you purchase meat birds if you live in New England.


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Poland, Maine
This will be my first year raising birds for meat. I am in Maine and was wondering where the best place to get birds with the best quality, best price, best shipping price. I am thinking McMurray or Moyer. Moyer is closer but where do you get your birds and how have you liked them? I want something that is going to be ready in 8 weeks if that makes a difference.
Just ordered my first 25 Cornish Giants from Moyer due to be here March 31. Now I need to build myself a chicken tractor and find the best pricing I can on feed.
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Welcome neighbor! I live down the road from you!

No-I'm the wimp that eats chicken but is a slave to a couple of rare
breeds! Creme Brabanters, Spangled Russian Orloffs and Sebastopol
geese! I am at their beck and call!

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