Where is Your Computer?

On an extremely cluttered desk downstairs.
I have a desk slab, built the full width of my mobile home. It's a desktop, and I spend my time in a huge swivel office chair, with my feet propped on the desk.

Honestly, I see people who have their computer stuck in a cubbyhole, in a back bedroom, and I think, that can't be conducive to real enjoyment.
A.T. Hagan :

Where is Your Computer?

In front of me.


mine is pretty much wherever I am, living room, bedroom, chicken coop etc​
Same here

yep me too mainly the living room during the day but it moves round house with me. and a sneaky peek lunch times at work
Wireless laptop in my lap, (I am sprawled out in my recliner) where it contributes to my heart condition. Ya' see, i got Dropsy of the Heart. Wherever I drop my butt, I ain't got the heart to get up.

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