where o where have my blue eggs gone?


8 Years
Feb 18, 2011
I know it is getting colder and darker and all that, but my other girls are still laying great. I get 4-6 eggs per day from 8 hens, just NO more blue ones? Why would both my EE stop at the same time?
EEs can be notorious as fickle layers. I think there are 2 other threads asking about the same thing. My current EEs are laying fine, but I have light in my coop. My last one, even with light, would lay for a couple weeks, then nothing for a few months.

Yeah, those are egg laying machines!

I had four easter eggers, and they were fantastic layers. True, they weren't nearly as good as my white leghorn, but they were awesome. Really big eggs, and they laid 5-6 a week. They also were the most tame, and the ones that would let my 6 year old carry them around.

All of my chickens did slack off a bit in the winter though, leghorn included.
Showing my ignorance, and this is a little off topic.... but..... EE's are crosses between just about anything else and a decendant of an Ameraucana or Araucana... right?
So, for instance, if you have an EE roo and a leghorn hen - is it possible to get one of those 'egg laying machines' that lays colored eggs????
Someone else said EEs are fickle layers and my experience aligns with that assessment. I've said it a time or two recently, so at the risk of repeating myself I'll say that I have a couple of EE pullets that have gone on strike for no apparent reason. They're not visibly molting and they have supplemental lighting.
I also find that EEs, like Ameraucanas, can take longer to mature so the wait for eggs can seem interminable.

Edited to add the smiley guy!
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