Where to buy Lorikeets or Pionus


8 Years
May 30, 2011
San Clemente
Hey all,
I really have been wanting a new bird for a while. I definitely want one that loves to interact and will like my attention. I'll definitely be spending at least an hour with it and probably just walk around the house with it whenever I can or am just relaxing.

I heard these birds aren't too loud all the time and can learn to talk? But mostly because they like interaction and can learn a lot.
I live in CA and want to know if you guys know a store or place I can buy one? Or if any of you are selling or selling breeds similar to these...

First and foremost, I would suggest researching each species individually before making any purchases. Each species of parrot has their own quirks and special needs, and what works for one owner may not work for another. For example, Lorikeets need very special diets that include liquid nectar foods, which can be messy to clean up after.

Some species of parrots can be generally quieter than others, but every bird is different and it's always possible to end up with a bird from a quiet species that drives you insane.

You should also keep in mind that parrots are very different than poultry. They need to be interacted with daily, their diets can be very strict, and they need quite a lot of mental stimulation. They are also prone to OCD and boredom habits that can be very hard to break.

When you're sure that you're ready for a parrot, look into rescues first. Birds are surrendered by their owners all the time and there are rescues all over the place with just about every species you can imagine. I rehomed a rescue pionus myself a few years ago. California is a big state for birds so I'd be surprised if you couldn't find one with a little patience.

If you end up looking into purchasing a baby, I always recommend going directly through a breeder rather than a petshop, which is just a middleman. I don't know of any pionus or lorie breeders to refer you to, but a quick check on Google brought me to this page: http://www.parrotpages.com/links/breeders-california.shtml

When looking at breeders, I always prefer breeders who sell only parrots that have been fed out (meaning the new owner never has to hand-feed) and are banded with closed bands. I give high credit to breeders who are active members of the bird community also and don't sell to pet stores.

I'm sure there are plenty of others here with great advice, that's just my two cents.
In general, Lories and Pionus are very different in temperaments. Lories will be like kids hyper on sugar -- bold and active -- while Pionus are more cautious and shy. In general, the more "talkative" a species is, the more vocal in general it will be. Among the Lories, the species probably best known for talking will be in the Lorius genus -- the most common species being the Chattering and the Black-Capped. Pionus, being generally more quiet, can still learn a few words. Their character is more subtle than most Lories.

The previous post about the specialized diet for Lories is true (as is basically the rest of the whole post), and should be something kept in mind if you choose one for a pet. While there are some "dry diets" on the market, aimed toward keeping indoor pets less messy (Lories eating natural diets have a lot of water in their feces, and it kinda gets everywhere indoors), I wouldn't recommend keeping a Lory on a "dry diet" exclusively. It certainly can be a good chunk of the diet, but would need to be rounded out with fruits/veggies, and ideally at least some "nectar mix".

While it might be difficult finding breeders of either group here on a poultry site, California is one of the two big parrot-breeder states (the other being Florida). If you pick up a bird magazine from a bookstore or pet store, you'll find lots of ads in the back. You can also search for parrot forums -- many have classified sections on their websites. And certainly look into rescues -- there are many great birds out there looking for a second-chance at a forever home. My DYH amazon came into my life when he was 7 years old, and will soon be 24. I can't imagine how he could possibly be more bonded to me, so don't believe the myth that you need to buy a baby for that type of relationship to develop.

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