Where Were You and What Were You Doing at 11:11 on 11.11.11 ?

And it had to leave you with an incredible sense of pride to make him so happy. Great job, ther's a special place in heaven for people like you!

Yes it did. I felt pretty good about myself. I do what I can with what I've got, but I will admit, there is and always has been a special place in my heart for soldiers. That wal-mart commercial where the big sister helps take care of the little sister and then the mom comes home from serving? Yeah, I tear up every time, and I'm not too proud to admit it!
Really great stories, especially about the Korean War Vet - so glad you were there and were able to make his (and your) day. Imagine, getting a receipt for $11.11 on 11.11? And Fosterchick, did you notice that your post this morning was at 11:11? At least, it came through at 11:11 PST...interesting...
At 11:11 am, I was eating soup and found a bug in my crackers.

At 11:11 pm I was trying to sleep because I had to be up at 7 for work.
At 11AM, I was in art. Teacher got us all holding hands in a circle, which I was shifty through because I'm not a physical contact sort of person. Had a better 11:11:11 with my friend on her iphone, watching the second hand slowly tick by.
I was working on probably one of the better pieces of art I've ever done in my life. I might even post a picture on BYC if I can find a camera that works.

Iowa Roo Mom: I smiled at your story. That's so nice.

I missed 11:11PM. I was either asleep or watching TV. my memory does not stretch that far back.

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